Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Looking Forward and Back

I am excited about my upcoming move but realize there will be a few things I will miss about where I live now. Not many, but a few. One occurrence today reminded me of some of those I will miss.

There's a church in this county that does a lot of good work in the community. Among those things, but not all by any means, are sponsoring Christmas programs for needy children, food giveaways, and an annual Law Enforcement Appreciation dinner every year. When I returned from the store this morning, there was a message on my machine from the associate pastor inviting me to attend and/or cover this years Law Enforcement dinner for the paper. He had lost my cell number and had already called the paper trying to locate me. However, he wouldn't even tell them what he wanted!

It brought to mind that in the past couple of years, this church began calling me directly to cover events for them. They stopped contacting the paper because of poor or no coverage and starting coming to me. They aren't the only ones here who do that and I appreciate all of them for their confidence in me. I feel a little sad that I won't be able to do this for them much longer but I will do what I can for all of them until December.

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