Friday, November 21, 2008

Closing in Fast

The week has flown by and my deadline is approaching pretty fast when I look at all I have to do but not so fast in terms of wanting to go ahead and get moved.

This nutty weather has put a crimp in going through outside storage rooms but on a positive note, I've gotten most of the stuff that's any good out of the attic. (Whoever winds up with the house will get a surprise when they venture upstairs and find all that left over "junque"). Thankfully, l've sold most of my major furniture, still have the living room set and personal bedroom suite to go. Hopefully, someone will want these soon. After all, they will be getting a real bargain with the price I'm asking!

If you can't come over and help, at least remember me in your deepest thoughts while I am working so diligently.

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