Monday, November 3, 2008

Things Seem to be Coming Together

Sounds like you're pulling everything together! The great thing about your locale is that you'll never run out of things to do, especially in the cultural/social arena. Your first Christmas in a new exciting!

Had to take Little Bit and Roo into the doc today. Ear infection and finishing up apparent bronchitis, respectively. Ear infection makes sense, since Little Bit has been in a particularly foul mood the last few days and had a horrible night last night, up every hour or so. She got mad when her cookie broke in two and crumbled it into dust. Her sister, horrified at the thought of a wasted cookie, gasped and then inquired, "Mama, can I eat it?" I'm trying to see if our Zoo membership includes housing her temporarily...

On a different and serious note, I received an e-mail this evening from my former roommate. Her sister-in-law has been diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She's got four kids, is a stay-at-home mom, and I believe is only 39 years old. I looked it up, and confirmed that it is pretty bad stuff. You can always look around and see someone else who's worse off than you. Keep her in your prayers.

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