Saturday, November 1, 2008

No Word Yet

The realtor said the lady liked the house but her husband was out of town and she wanted him to see it too. Hopefully, this wasn't just an excuse and they will come back. Soon!

I got roped into attending a "short" meeting Thursday night that turned into a 2-1/2 hour marathon and spent an inordinate amount of time writing it up for the paper yesterday. I think it took so long because I didn't want to even think about it again, much less put it in writing!

Thirtysomething has been uncharacteristically quiet but she has a lot on her plate right now. Hubby had some labs that have to be repeated and also has been referred to a specialist for a problem found during a routine physical.

That, coupled with Little Bit biting her sister twice this week, has had her preoccupied. I guess when Little Miss Dynamite bit the tire on her sister's toy and that didn't work, she decided to start on the real thing. (Reminded me of when she bit the dog a while back.) Mom thought she had that under control but as we "veterans" know, sometimes things like that have an unsettling way of coming back to bite us too.

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