Monday, November 17, 2008

Alive and Well

The weekend is almost over and we all survived. My idea of a "wild party" is not two dozen hyped up pre-schoolers going crazy in a fancy indoor playground but I suppose it does qualify in juvenile lingo anyway.

Turns out it wasn't as bad as I expected. (The other grandparents did everyone a favor when they treated Roo to a party there.) Tables were set up in a small room away from the play area and I volunteered to stay there and "watch the cake." By the time the little angels came in for the cake and gift part, they were pretty tired and not quite so wired up. At least not until they had all that sugar!

Except for Little Bit diving into my lap unexpectedly, I came out relatively unscathed. I say relatively because she was covered with cake and icing and glitter which she generously "shared" with me. She was standing on the seat beside me and when I looked at her, she grinned really big and fell towards me. She knew exactly what she was doing. Just as she did when her Mom tried to tell her a particularly loud toy was broken and she told Mom, "It needs batteries." Way too smart for a two-year-old!

Now it's down to business. I got back from Atlanta late today and my work is cut out for me as I prepare for the big move. Any volunteers?

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