Friday, November 7, 2008

Won't you miss small-town politics?

Of course, the big-town politics can get pretty messy, too.

I actually like tofu, as long as someone else cooks it. I've tried a couple of times and always seem to make a mess out of it.

Our days alternate between dragging out forever and flying by. On one hand, I can't believe the holiday season is upon us. Some of the houses around here already have Christmas decorations up. I would say they're rushing the season, but I understand. I think with all the doom and gloom of the economy and everything, they want something positive to focus on. I'm still waiting until after Thanksgiving, though I may concede and bring out the cute Pooh snowglobe for the girls to play with.

DH finally managed, after two weeks of wrangling, to get an appointment with a specialist to do some testing. Found blood in his urine, hoping that it's not anything but definitely need to get it checked out, according to his PCP. This stress, added onto the stress of his grandfather doing very poorly healthwise, is really beginning to get to him. Wish I could find a way to lift his spirits.

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