Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cuz Says...

My favorite cousin has adopted yet another stray. If she had all the money she's spent taking care of God's helpless creatures that have been abandoned and/or abused, she could probably retire comfortably to the Riviera. (But she wouldn't be happy there without her menagerie!) Her tender heart and love for animals is unparalleled. I think she already has so many stars in her crown without this latest venture that it will be too heavy for her to wear when the time comes to don it.

Her latest missive to me said, "I've just spent (some might say "wasted") about a half hour looking for a shoulder strap to go with a little bitty pet carrier (red polka-dotted) that I'm buying, at a discount because it has a handle but doesn't have a shoulder strap, for my newest rescue, a 1-pound blue-eyed Himalayan kitten, now named Henry. As I was tearing out old luggage and pocketbooks trying to find a strap that would match, I started laughing at myself and thought to myself, "I really need to get a job!" Being retired is lots of fun!! (By the way, I occasionally do spend time more productively!)"

Henry is a very fortunate little fellow. And I can't think of anything more productive anyone can do than taking care of those unfortunate beings who cannot care for themselves. Keep on keeping on, Cousin. I admire you.

1 comment:

Thirtysomethingmama said...

AMEN!!! (And WOOF WOOF, MEOW MEOW, etc. etc. :-)