Wednesday, December 24, 2008

First Christmas Here

Christmas is here! And it arrived before I realized it this year. It's my first one in Atlanta and while I'm thrilled to be here, I haven't had time to even think about decorating. My only Christmas decor is an animated Hallmark snowman with a bouncy dog and penguin.

Right now, I'm just grateful that I took care of Christmas shopping early. I ordered the girls' big gift shipped to their home so Dad could assemble it so that's done. No goodies for friends this year though. I did dip some Amaretto Chocolate Cherries for some of the restaurant staff who have been taking such good care of me but that's all.

I always get the "Bah Humbugs" this time of year but they don't seem quite as severe this Christmas. Still, these double holidays seem as though we're having four weekends in a row. By the time New Year's is over, I have to look at a calendar to see what day of the week it is.

Despite my annual aversion to stores on Christmas Eve, I was at Lowe's at 7 a.m. this morning to order a washer and dryer and pick up some needed supplies.

Wishing for a blessed Christmas and a much brighter New Year for everyone...

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