Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting There

Today has been a good day for getting "stuff" out of the way. The buyer picked up the furniture and paid me in full which was very nice. The lady who was interested in my bedroom suite and said she would call me about it, did call and is going to bring the money for it tomorrow. Very, very nice.

She got a real deal on a solid cherry Drexel Heritage set but in this economic climate, I was just happy to unload, er, sell it. What I don't think she realizes is just how difficult it's going to be to move, especially the amoire. I've warned her but am not sure it is sinking in all the way. It took two very strong professional movers to get it into the house and they had to struggle to do so. Every piece of it is extremely heavy but that will be her problem now.

On the low side, I've been fighting a sinus infection/allergy all week. I can't seem to get warm enough, then all of a sudden, I'm burning up. Lord, please let me make it through next weekend even if you throw me to the wolves then!

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