Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Career?

Bless my other "son," he has assembled many of the things I ordered shipped here and I deeply appreciate it. I appreciated it even more after putting together a table today. I left the apartment for a while and when I returned, a large box was leaning against my door.

It turned out to be a sofa-type table I had ordered to put the television and radio on and at first glance, looked to be a snap to finish. After all, it only had a dozen screws to fasten the frame together and, voila!, the table would be ready to lay the glass shelves in place.

It wasn't quite that easy though and the fact that the instructions were omitted didn't help either. After leaving it upside down for a while, looking like a giant bug with three legs waving in the air, I finally figured out how to make it look like the picture. If it doesn't fall down when I add weight to it, perhaps a new form of employment is in my future. Not!

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