Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Here comes Santa Claus

Can you believe that Christmas is almost here? It's as if the month of December has been moving in fast forward mode. I still have a few Christmas cards to get together tonight. Thankfully, the kids are down and will hopefully stay that way.

Roo had her Christmas program for the preschool yesterday evening. Being the smart, thinking ahead mom that I am, I made both kids take a nap. In hindsight, not the best decision I could have made. They are both programmed to not sleep at night if they have any sleep during the day, even the little one, who last took a nap before our Halloween party in October. They were awake until after 1:00 a.m.!!! Needless to say, we are not going to repeat that mistake again. That is, unless someone wants to volunteer to party with them all night.

The girls and I made Christmas cookies today, which was a huge mess and lots of fun. Little Bit decided to put her face to the plate and lick all the frosting and sprinkles off. Then, when her daddy came up from the basement, she offered him one with a sweet smile on her precious little face, saying "Eat it, Daddy! It's nummy!" I took pity on him and did warn him he might want to consider that decision carefully. All in all, a fun afternoon, especially considering the exhausting start we had.

BTW, you're going to give your "handsome" son-in-law a big head if you keep up these flattering postings ;-)

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