Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heartbreaking news

I got the news this morning that the little girl of one of my "Mom" friends from church has passed away. Sophie just turned five a couple of weeks ago, and has been battling a brain tumor for the past two years. It started when her mom picked her up from preschool and the teacher informed her that Sophie had been complaining of a headache. It was a headache that persisted and never really got better. Long story short, even though the pediatrician didn't think there was anything terribly wrong, mom persisted and finally got the right diagnosis for her little girl, which was unfortunately the worst news. This family, and this child, have been through hell the last couple of years. It is nothing anyone should go through, especially a little one. The only positive thing is that she's not suffering anymore, but her loss is a terrible blow to her family.

I keep thinking "what if?" What if this were my daughter? How would I explain this to her younger sister (Sophie has a little sister). It could just as easily been my five year old, or even my two year old to have this. I wish I knew the right thing to say or do, but only time and love will get them through this. It puts any aggravations or worries I might have right now right into their proper perspective.

1 comment:

Life After 60 said...

It's true that we often think our lives are bad until something like this happens and we realize how easily the situation could be reversed.

I pray for Sophie's family now and in the difficult days to come and my Sunday School class has also added this family to their prayer list.