Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Good Start

Today has been a good start to a much anticipated New Year. I've just been laid back, taking it easy on this gorgeous, sunny day. I remember an old superstition when I was growing up, admonishing people to be careful what they did on New Year's Day because that was what they would be doing all year long. If it's true, I'm not in any danger of overworking during 2009!

New neighbors a few houses away hosted a New Year's drop-in party and graciously included me on their guest list. They served all the traditional foods associated with the holiday, along with some new ones. They are an attractive couple and were friendly, gracious hosts. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them and some other neighbors.

With Georgia shining in the Capital One bowl this afternoon, I've about gotten over being embarrassed by Tech's bowl performance from yesterday. It got so bad that I finally stopped watching and wrote an article for the paper that I had been promising.

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