Monday, January 26, 2009


Wow! I can't believe I let two days go by without commenting. It's just that I've been so laid back since I got here, the days slip right by. Most of the time I have to check a calendar if I want to know the date and I frequently don't know what day of the week it is without really deep thinking.

Since being here, I've slept better (and more) than I have in eons. Last night was an exception as you may have figured out from my posting before 5 a.m.! I have to leave tomorrow to take care of some business in "Podunk" and I really don't want to go.

No Internet at my house there so I will be isolated once again.It will be a rush trip with one full day of taking care of business and doing stuff in the house so maybe the time will go by quickly there too. As if!

Anyway, Thirtysomething did something weird to her back so she has an excuse not to post (for now). She needs to take care of herself though because I mostly likely won't do any blogging for the three weeks I am in England in March.

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