Sunday, January 11, 2009

This & That

It's cloudy and windy out and the temperature is dropping like a rock but at least it isn't raining. Not yet anyway!

I finally got most of the red paint off things the things it shouldn't have been on in the first place. Well, most of them anyway. My hair still has a couple of funny-looking litte burgundy highlights and I see occasional pink streaks on my cleaning cloths. Thank Heavens for small favors though. It is a deep, dark red and it could easily have been fire-engine red or some other weird color.

With that catastrophe behind me, I have another one looming. I have to paint a wicker chest of drawers but I've been putting that off at least until the red memories fade a little. I have to psych myself up before tackling black enamel paint!

I have movie/dinner plans tonight and I'm looking forward to it. It brings back memories of when I used to spend Saturday afternoons (Sunday too if I could scare up the quarter) at the Martin Theater in Douglas. Of course, we didn't see anything like Gran Torino but I like Clint Eastwood so I'm sure I will enjoy it.

My son asked me yesterday if a new dress I bought was "a little young." I told him to be grateful I actually bought a dress!

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